Correcting The Idea Of Masculinity

There are men who would chatter about products that would enhance their “masculinity.” For instance, is a product that utilizes the hydropump method which is specially designed to both enlargement as well as enjoyment. This is a topnotch device as more than a million men have bought and tested the product and have worked wonders for them. This, however, should not define masculinity.

Hypermasculinity should be taught in schools and by parents alike. Hypermasculinity or toxic masculinity is defined as the “narrow-minded” view of what “being a man” means. It’s the exaggeration of stereotypical behaviors of males such as much emphasis on physical strength as well as sexuality. Moreover, it is the impression that boys and men shouldn’t display or talk about their emotions and feelings, or exhibit vulnerability.

Correcting The Idea Of Masculinity

If such idea isn’t corrected, hypermasculinity could be a factor that would lead to mental health problems such as depression, stress, body dissatisfaction, and substance abuse. In the society, it could be part of the cause of gender inequality as well as violence towards women. Below are some things you could do to assist in reshaping the idea of masculinity:

Challenge Stereotypes and Toxic Masculinity

Stereotypes regarding masculinity could spread detrimental and destructive ideas on the how boys and men must act and should be. Ideas such as “boys have to be muscular,” “boys don’t cry,” or “boys shouldn’t be sensitive” give boys a standard of behavior that is unrealistic and does more damage instead of good.  You could challenge stereotypes by assigning chores, the toys they play and the color of clothes they wear.

Educate on Media Literacy

Since, majority of children nowadays have an average screen time of 6.5 hours a day, parents play a vital and key role in teaching children media literacy. You could start by co-viewing while at a young age and as they grow older discuss about their media picks. Also, engage children by encouraging them to ask questions and give them proper and well-informed enlightenment.

Value Character and Personality

The digital world could impact your child’s idea of beauty. It is part of media literacy is to teach children the true meaning of beauty by looking beyond the looks or appearance of a person. Teach children to value a person’s character and personality as this truly defines beauty regardless of appearance and gender.

Promote Relationships with People

In this digital age, interactions are moving in the online world. Although there are benefits to connecting to people as well as communities by this means, it is essential to teach and promote the values and significance of actual interactions and establishing healthy relationships.  
