How Can Technology Help Educators Be More Innovative in the School Environment?

What educational decisions do they make in other countries when it comes to renewing education through technology? ‘Education innovation with technology,’ publication, can describe these choices and have ingredients to sharpen your own educational innovation considerations.

Technological advancements have a major impact on our culture. As a result, education is also a factor. Schools want to provide students with an opportunity that will prepare them for the future. Different educational choices are made by schools all around the world. These choices are defined in the publication ‘Educational innovation with technology, an international perspective.’ The publication assists schools in refining their own concepts on technological advances.


For the preparation of this publication, literature research was conducted, and discussions with educators and the world’s most influential educational experts were held. And how did it work out? Schools make the same educational decisions all over the world. They are divided into four categories:

  • Authentic learning: students learn better in situations close to reality because the learning content is relevant.
  • Flexible learning: the educational offer is better suited to what a specific student needs at a specific time.
  • Insight into learning: teachers, students, and parents better monitor how and what students learn, instead of just looking at results.
  • Commitment to skills: pupils are better prepared for the learning, living, and working of the future, taking into account the balance between knowledge, attitude, and skills.


Boards and school administrators face a wide range of challenges when pursuing curriculum changes. Should the school want to work based on scientific findings or take risks and experiment? How closely do schools want to keep track of their students? What does the digital-to-non-digital, or high-tech-to-high-touch, partnership look like? These inconsistencies also muddle debates in schools. In reality, though, it is a spectrum on which each school defines its own position in its own context, rather than a set of contradictions.


Ultimately, it is about making conscious choices regarding innovation with ICT. But how do you make conscious choices?

In the publication ‘Educational creativity through technology, an international perspective,’ leading experts from around the world expresses their vision to encourage and assist schools on their journey. Also, educators can look for international inspiration, such as tech support in NYC.

Everywhere in the world, the power of technology in innovation is counted on. Developments are not always fast and not all possibilities are being used yet. But that makes sense: change is not a simple task. Making conscious choices about educational innovation is quite a challenge because there are endless possibilities and there is a lot of discussion about this.

