In Mettmann, 22 children between the ages of three and six are currently learning a lot about correct behavior in traffic at the Mettmann-Sport holiday camp. Police chief inspector Udo Loppnow already knows most of the children from kindergartens. The traffic expert from the district police authority knows how to teach the little ones the basic rules in a child-friendly manner.
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Milo is a real traffic expert. The boy has the right answer to every question. He knows how to behave at the zebra crossing, knows the children’s and adult sides on the sidewalk (“where the houses are, is the children’s side”). But that’s not all: When Loppnow asks the children what to think about when entering and leaving the vehicle, a shot comes from the pistol: “You have to stop and see whether a car drives in or out.” And what can you do? realize that a car is coming? “The noise of the engine or whether a person gets into or out of the car.”
Learning road safety education, traffic policeman
Pretty professional what the kids learned there. Sports and fitness clerk Doris Romanowicz and her colleague Carina Bommesberger also agree. The two women organized the summer camp together with helpers. The idea came up two years ago during the daycare strike, says Romanowicz. At that time the children had to be kept busy during the holidays because the daycare centers were on strike. Mettmann-Sport stepped into the breach and organized a leisure camp. “We took this idea further. Now the daycare camp is taking place for the second time, ”says Bommesberger.
The children come to the Gustav-Bovensiepen-Halle on Neanderstrasse at 7.30 a.m. and 8 a.m. Then there is morning exercise, breakfast, then sport, games and fun are on the program. This week the main topic is “We in road traffic”, next week everything revolves around the Neanderthals.
The theoretical traffic education in the first group is now entering the final phase. Loppnow asks about the different traffic lights. When he asks about the meaning of the yellow light for drivers, Milo says: “With yellow you can still drive if you can manage it.” Not entirely correct, but roughly corresponds to reality. Finally, equipped with safety vests, they go out onto the street, where what they have just learned is practiced.